Please read this carefully because it sets out the terms of a legally binding agreement between you and Shuem International.

These are the Terms (together with any other policies or documents referred to in these Terms, collectively called “Terms”) on which you may use the Website, Shuem mobile and other online services (“Website”) and the products or services available on them (“Media”). These Terms apply to your use of Website and all Media irrespective of the delivery platform or device you use to access it.

The Shuem Website and Media can only be used by you after you have read the Terms and accepted them by clicking on the tick box provided for this purpose. If you use Website in the course of your business or work, clicking on the tick box to indicate your acceptance of the Terms will mean that you are also accepting these Terms on behalf of that business. We only make these Terms available in the English language.


If you do not agree with the Terms (or are not authorized to do so on behalf of your business or work) you should not use Website or any Media and should cancel any subscription in accordance with your cancellation rights (see section 5 below). If you have any questions about our website or your subscription please contact We strongly recommend that you read these Terms in their entirety and you print and save a copy.

Except where we state otherwise in section 5, references in these Terms to “Shuem International” (or “we”, “us” or “our”) refer to the company operating Website. See section 8 below for details.

1. Introduction

These Terms were updated in September 2019 and replace all previous Terms for Shuem International. Shuem International may update these Terms for legal or regulatory reasons, or to reflect changes in our services or business practices. We will provide a notice of such changes on this website. If you are a Website or Media subscriber, any changes will become effective from the date of your next payment following the changes, unless we notify you otherwise. If you do not agree to the changes, you should cancel your subscription and not use this website. If you are not a Website subscriber, any changes will become effective as soon as we notify you of them through our website. 


We may in exceptional circumstances cease to publish the Website, the Media or cease to provide subscription services. If we do so, then we will have no further obligation or liability to you, unless you are a subscriber, in which case we will offer you a refund of the value of the unexpired period of your subscription. See section 5 for details.

2. Access and use

We invest in and provide high quality content depends on our users complying with this section 2. We recommend you read our Copyright Policy which summarizes how you are allowed to use Media. Amongst other things, the Copyright Policy invites organizations that may be using Media without the appropriate permissions to contact  us to purchase a license to legitimize that use.

In summary, unless you are a registered user of Website you may not be permitted to view any articles; if you are a registered user, you can view a limited number of articles a month; if you have a standard subscription you can view all of our articles but not Shuemvideo or imeditate content; and if you have a premium subscription, you can view all of our articles and Shuemvideo content. If you have all access you have unlimited access to all of our articles and content, including access to imeditate. [we may vary the amount of content that each category of user can access depending on the device used to access Media.] From time to time we may invite specific groups of users to access certain sections of Website which may be the same as or different to the access given under other types of subscriptions. [in order to access iShuem content on a mobile device you may be required to purchase the]. Please note that the minimum duration of any subscription available on Website is.

Permitted use: All Media belongs to Shuem International or its licensors, who own all right, title, interest and intellectual property rights (including copyright, trademark and database rights) in and to the Media. No intellectual property rights in any Media are transferred or granted to subscribers, users or other third parties. ”Shuem” and other marks (see Website/trademarks) are registered trademarks which, along with all other Media,  you may not use without written permission from Shuem International. You may, however, do the following:

  • View Media for your personal use on any device that is compatible with Website or any Shuem application (this might be your pc, laptop, smartphone, tablet or other mobile device) and store Media on that device for your personal use.
  • Print single copies of articles on paper for your personal use.
  • Share links to articles by using the article tools we make available at the foot of each article.
  • Use spidering technology to search and link to Website, provided that you do not infringe the restrictions on use below.

On condition that you do not create a substitute (as defined below), you may also do the following:

  • Publish online, the original Shuem headline and a link to the Shuem article (on Website) and the first 140 characters of an article.
  • Forward the original Shuem headline and a link to the Shuem article (on Website) and the first 140 characters of an article to other individuals.

We define a substitute as a product or service that in our reasonable opinion reduces the need for users or other third parties to pay for Media directly, or which creates revenue from the Media to the detriment of Shuem International’s own ability to generate revenues from that content.

As specified in the “restrictions on use” section below you may not republish or redistribute full text articles (unless you share articles published at using our ‘email article’ tool to send articles to the email addresses of individuals but not group email accounts with an active standard or premium subscription).you may however republish or redistribute “summaries” of Shuem articles if you comply with the conditions set out below. “summaries” can be either an “extract” or an “abstract”. By “extract” we mean 30 words copied verbatim from an Shuem article which is inserted into a longer original work. By “abstract” we mean a 30 word non-verbatim summary of the news or facts reported in an Shuem article which does not form part of a longer work.

These are the conditions you must comply with in order to produce summaries:

  • You clearly source Shuem as the author of any article from which you have derived a summary by way of an attribution with a hypertext link from the word Shuem to the original story published on Website;
  • In the case of abstracts, you make clear that the abstract has been produced by you by stating “this abstract from Shuem International was produced by Shuem International”, with a hypertext link from the word “Shuem International” to the original story published on Website;
  • You ensure that your summaries do not in whole or in part form a substitute for Shuem International’s own products and services (see above for how we define substitute). The more summaries you create the greater the risk is that each one is a substitute. No individual or organization may create, republish or redistribute more than ten summaries in aggregate each day, each one sourced from a different Shuem article that is published on the same day that you create the summary;
  • You do not use or create summaries that promote or endorse any product or service; and

If Shuem International notifies you that  you are creating a substitute(s) or republishing Media, you shall immediately cease doing so and all of your rights  in respect of Media shall be regarded as having been withdrawn, unless/until Shuem International reaches an agreement with you regarding your rights in respect of Media.

Please note that the rights to use Media detailed above do not extend to content, data or other material published by Shuem International that we license from third parties, which you may not republish or redistribute.  Nor shall you modify, copy, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any such licensed content, data or other material, in whole or in part.

Please note that in addition to our rights at law to restrict certain types of use referred to in this section 2, the restrictions below are also contractual in nature and bind all users and subscribers of Website.

Restrictions on use:

You may not use Website or the Media for any unlawful purpose or other than as set out in the “permitted use” section above. Without limitation and by way of example only, this means that you cannot:

  • If you are a registered user or subscriber, share your user name and password (which includes pins) with anyone else. A password is for one person’s use. Sharing a password means a copy of the Media may subsequently be made by someone who is not authorized to do so. Password sharing is a breach of the Terms and may result in an infringement of copyright. We monitor usage of Website to detect password sharing;Copy, display, publish, republish or redistribute, communicate or disseminate to third parties full text articles, photographs, graphics, tables or images in any way other than as permitted by the “permitted use” section;
  • Copy, display, publish, republish or redistribute, communicate or disseminate to third parties full text articles, photographs, graphics, tables or images in any way other than as permitted by the “permitted use” section;
  • Copy, display, publish, republish, redistribute, communicate or disseminate headlines in any way other than as permitted by the “permitted use” section;
  • Archive or store any of the Media for access by anyone other than yourself;
  • Create derivative works from the Media, unless you are creating summaries as described in the “permitted use” section above;
  • Create more than one copy of any articles on Website or any other Media;
  • Photocopy or scan copies of articles or other Media;
  • Remove the copyright or trademark notice from any copies of Media;
  • Create a database in electronic or structured manual form by systematically and/or regularly downloading, caching, printing and storing all or any of the Media (by spidering or otherwise);
  • License, transfer or sell any of the Shuem content, in whole or in part;
  • Frame, harvest or scrape the Media or otherwise access the Media for similar purposes; and
  • Use or attempt to use the Media outside the parameters we set depending on what subscription you have.

Linking: if you would like to link to Website, please read and comply with the following guidelines and all applicable laws. A site or service that links to Website:

  • May display an Shuem logo (view our brand guidelines here) but must not otherwise use any Shuem trademarks without permission from Shuem;
  • May not remove, distort or otherwise alter the size or appearance of the logo;
  • May link to the homepage of Website, and, provided that the requirements of section 2 are complied with, may also link to other pages of Website;
  • Must not in any way imply that Shuem is endorsing it or its products or services or any other party or that party’s products or services;
  • Must not misrepresent its relationship with Shuem or present false information about Shuem International, Website or the Media;
  • Must not be a site or service that infringes any intellectual property or other right of any person or that otherwise does not comply with all relevant laws and regulations;
  • Must not be a site or service that contains content that could be construed as distasteful or offensive or otherwise incompatible with the ethos of Shuem International, Website or Media.

3. Privacy policy and registration 

All information received by you from your use of Website must be used by you in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated into and forms part of the Terms. Please read this Privacy Policy for details of how we may process your personal data. Please note that Website will only process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

In consideration of you being allowed to register as a subscriber of Website, you agree that:

  • All information you provide to Shuem International is true, accurate and complete;
  • It is your responsibility to update and maintain changes to that information on the applicable Website registration or subscription pages (which may be done via the following link:);
  • Shuem International is entitled to rely on any information you provide to us; and
  • That you will not impersonate any other person or entity or use a false name that you are not authorized to use.

[if you are under 18 years of age, you confirm that you have obtained the permission of your parent or guardian before you register to use Website.]

Each registration is for a single user only. On registration, you will choose a user name and password (”id”). You are not allowed to share your id or give access to Media through your id to anyone else. Shuem International does not allow multiple users on a network or within an organization to use the same id. Shuem International may cancel or suspend your access to Website if you share your id without further obligation to you. You may not create additional registration or subscription accounts for the benefit of others or with the aim of avoiding our use of ids to control access to and use of Website.

You are responsible for all use of Website made by you or under your id and for preventing unauthorized use of your id. If you believe there has been any breach of security such as the disclosure, theft or unauthorized use of your id or any payment information, you must notify Shuem International immediately by emailing us at We recommend that you do not select an obvious user password (such as your name) and that you change it regularly.

If you provide Shuem International with an email address that will result in any messages Shuem International may send you being sent to you via a network or device operated or owned by a third party (e.g. Your employer or college) then you confirm that you are entitled to receive those messages. [you also agree that Shuem International may stop sending messages to you without notifying you.]

If you are a registered user of or subscriber to Website then you may choose to use Website’s ”remember me” log in feature that enables you to be logged in automatically to Website whenever you visit Website without having to manually log in each time. We recommend that you do not enable this feature on any computer that is or may be used by anyone other than you in order to prevent unauthorized access by third parties to both your subscription details and features of Website personal to you.

4. Third party sites and services

Website may contain links to other internet websites or online and mobile services provided by independent third parties, including websites of our advertisers and sponsors (what we call ‘third party sites”), either directly or through frames. Third party sites may be co-branded with Shuem International and so include Shuem International’s trademarks.

It is your decision whether you purchase or use any third party products or services made available on or via third party sites and you should read section 5 below carefully. Our privacy policy does not apply to third party sites.

Website contains advertising and sponsorship. Advertisers and Sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on Website complies with International and national law. Shuem International is not responsible for any error or inaccuracy in advertising or sponsorship material. 


Copyright in any software that is made available for download from Website belongs to Shuem International or its suppliers. Your use of the software is governed by the terms of any license agreement that may accompany or be included with the software. Do not install or use any of this software unless you agree to such license agreement.

5. Our responsibilities to you:

A summary of what this section means: this section is important and you should read it carefully. It makes clear to what extent, if any, Shuem International accepts responsibility (liability) to you for your use of Website or the Media or in respect of any third party products or services that we refer to or link to on Website.

Shuem does not control third party sites and is not responsible for their content.  Any links on Website to third party sites does not imply any endorsement of the material, products or services on such websites or any association between Shuem and the operators of any such third party sites or any other third parties. In no circumstances do we accept any liability for your use of third party sites or in respect of any third party products. By third party sites we mean websites, online or mobile services provided by third parties, including websites of advertisers and sponsors that may appear on Website. By third party products we mean materials, products or services available from or through third party sites.

Limitations of Media: The Media is only for your general information and entertainment purposes and is not intended to address your particular requirements. In particular, the Media, distributed by Website, does not constitute any form of advice, recommendation, representation, endorsement or arrangement by Shuem International. Shuem International shall in no way be liable for any agreements, transactions or other arrangements made between you and any third party named on (or linked to from) Website, which are at your own responsibility and entered into at your own risk.

What we promise: Shuem International will endeavour to develop and operate Website with reasonable skill and care and will use reasonable efforts to promptly remedy any faults of which it is aware. This is the only promise we make in relation to our provision of Website, and the Media.

What we do not promise: Website and the Media are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. This means that Shuem International does not make any promises in respect of Website or the services and functions and products available on or through Website or of the quality, completeness or accuracy of the information published on or linked to from Website. You assume complete responsibility for all risk or loss resulting from your downloading and/or use of or referring to or relying on information, products, services or materials provided or obtained through your use of Website. To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, Shuem International disclaims all warranties, representations, undertakings conditions and duties (except any duties of good faith) of any kind, including without limitation, any warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Shuem International also does not make any promises as to the timeliness, security, performance or availability of Website and does not provide any undertaking warranty or representation that Website will be free from defects or infection by viruses or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. Save as expressly provided in these Terms, Shuem International accepts no liability for any infection by computer virus, bug, tampering, unauthorised access, intervention, alteration or use, fraud, theft, technical failure, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay, or any event or occurrence beyond its control, which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness and the integrity or proper conduct of any aspect of Website

The above disclaimers apply equally to your use of Website and all Media. Without limiting the above, Shuem International is not liable for matters beyond its reasonable control. Without limitation, Shuem does not control third party communications networks (including your internet service provider), the internet, acts of god or the acts of third parties.

Our financial responsibility to you:

You agree that if we are in breach of these Terms, we will only be responsible to you for any damages or loss that you incur in the manner set out in this section 5 and arising directly out of your use of Website or the Media in accordance with these Terms(to the extent that Shuem International’s liability is not otherwise excluded by this section 5).

To the fullest extent permissible by law, Shuem International excludes all liability to you in contract, negligence or other tort, under any law or otherwise howsoever arising for loss or damages arising out of or in connection with your use of any information, products, services and/or the materials available on or through this website, including but not limited to, loss of data, income, profit or opportunity, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties, or any indirect or consequential loss or damages, even if Shuem International has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage, or such loss or damages were reasonably foreseeable.

If you incur any loss as a result of using Website or any Media outside the scope of these Terms, Shuem International accepts no responsibility (liability) to you for this.

If you have paid for a subscription then Shuem International accepts responsibility (liability) to you for any direct damages you actually incur arising out of your use of Website or the Media in accordance with these Terms, subject to a limit equal to the price paid by you to Shuem International for your subscription during the year in which you incur the damage or the price paid by you for the subscription that gave you access at the time you incurred the damage. You may at your option receive a renewal to your subscription free-of-charge at the point of renewal or the same type of free-of-charge, in place of monetary damages.

If you have not paid for a subscription then Shuem International accepts no responsibility (liability) to you for any loss or damage you may incur as a result of your use of Website or the Media in accordance with these Terms.

The limitations of liability in this section 5 apply for the benefit of Shuem International, its affiliates and all of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, successors and assigns.

To the full extent permitted by law you acknowledge and agree that in respect of our third party content and data suppliers, we have no liability whatsoever to you in respect of any of their data supplied to you as part of the Media.

You also agree to waive, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any right you may have to bring legal claim against any third party who supplies content to us, which arises from your use of their content or data on any Shuem service.


Notwithstanding anything else in this section 5, Shuem International’s liability will not be limited in the case of death or personal injury directly caused by Shuem International’s negligence, fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or willful default in those countries where it is unlawful for Shuem International to seek to exclude such liability.

Indemnity: You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified in respect of any losses, liabilities, costs, penalties, fines, damages, expenses, actions, claims or proceedings arising out of or in connection with any claim brought made or threatened by a third party against us relating to or in connection with your use of any content or material available on Website (including without limitation the Media) in breach of these Terms.

Payment details: When you subscribe for a service you must provide us with complete and accurate payment information. By submitting payment details you promise that you are entitled to purchase a subscription using those payment details. If we do not receive payment authorization or any authorization is subsequently cancelled, we may immediately terminate or suspend your access to your subscription and in circumstances that we reasonably deem to be suspicious, we may contact the issuing bank/payment provider and/or law enforcement authorities/other appropriate third parties, to the extent relevant and proportionate in the context. If you are entitled to a refund under these Terms (please see “cancellations by you and refunds” section below) we will credit that refund to the card or other payment method you used to submit payment, unless it has expired in which case we will contact you. If you buy a subscription pass using a corporate credit card then we will treat your subscription as being for the benefit of both you and the relevant company.

Pricing: The subscription price [including any applicable taxes] will be made clear to you on our sign-up pages or otherwise during the sign-up process and may vary from time to time or by country. You agree to pay the fees at the rates notified to you at the time you take out your subscription or purchase your temporary access pass. Other subscription services may only require a one-off payment. You can also take out any other fixed term or payment frequency that we may offer from time to time via our website or by direct notification to you. Shuem International will charge you in british pounds sterling, united states dollars, euros, singapore dollars, australian dollars, hong kong dollars, swiss francs or japanese yen depending on the service that you wish to purchase and your country of residence. The currency in which you will be charged will be made clear to you prior to the completion of your sign-up. You will also have to pay any applicable currency conversion charges. Eligibility for any discounts is ascertained at the time you subscribe and cannot be changed during the term of your subscription. We will always notify you in advance of any increase in the price of your subscription and offer you an opportunity to cancel it if you do not wish to pay the new price.

Pricing errors: If we incorrectly state a price to you whether online or otherwise, we are not obliged to provide you with a subscription at that price, even if we have mistakenly accepted your offer to buy a subscription at that price, and reserve the right to subsequently notify you of any pricing error. If we do this, you may cancel the subscription without any obligation to us and we will refund you any money you have paid us in full or you may pay the correct price. If you refuse to exercise either of these choices then we may cancel your subscription and will refund you any money you have paid us in full. We will always act in good faith in determining whether a genuine pricing error has occurred.

Other costs: In addition to any subscription or fees you pay, you are responsible for paying any internet connection or other telecommunications charges that you may incur by accessing Website or using the services available on it. For example, if you use any of our mobile services then your network operator may charge you for data or messaging services.

Renewals:  By paying annually, unless you notify us before the expiry of your annual subscription period that you no longer wish to receive it, your annual subscription will renew automatically for another year. We will charge the then current subscription fee using the same card or other payment method that you previously used. We will notify you in advance of any changes to the price in your subscription that will apply upon renewal.

Cancellations by you and refunds :  You may cancel your subscription at any time up to the point at which 30 days has expired from the date of your initial payment for your then current subscription.  Otherwise you may not cancel your subscription or any part of it until the end of your then current subscription period. This means that you are not entitled to a refund once we have started providing any part of your subscription to you, except in the limited circumstances which are referred to in these Terms. Where you notify us of your intention to cancel after the expiry of 30 days from the date of payment for your subscription, such notice will only take effect at the end of your then current subscription period and any payments due for your then current subscription period will be charged to you using the same card or other payment method that you initially used.. You may notify us of your wish to cancel your subscription by email to

If within 30 days of the date of first payment for your then current subscription you have used any gift or voucher coupon or downloaded any digital content or redeemed or otherwise used any gift material received by you as part of your subscription sign up you will have elected to forego your right of cancellation and there will be no refunds or exchanges allowed in respect of your subscription.

Cancellations by us: Shuem International reserves the right to suspend or terminate your subscription if you materially breach these Terms, with or without notice and without further obligation to you. You will not be entitled to any refund in these circumstances. If however we terminate or suspend your subscription for any other reason and/or permanently cease publishing Website and/or the Media or cease to provide subscription services then, unless there are exceptional circumstances, we will provide you with a pro rata refund to your credit card, which means that we will refund you with any amounts that you have paid us in advance that relate to any remaining and unexpired period of your subscription.

6. Choice of law and jurisdiction

If you are a user whose principal address or principal use of Website occurs in any jurisdiction other than the united states then these Terms will be subject to irish law and you agree that the Courts of Seychelles will (subject to the final paragraph in this section 6) have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms.

If you are a user whose principal address or principal use of Website occurs in the United States then these Terms will be subject to the laws of the State of New Yor and you agree that the courts of the state of New York will (subject to the final paragraph in this section 6) have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms.

For the exclusive benefit of Shuem International and to the extent possible in the applicable jurisdiction, Shuem International will retain the right to bring or enforce proceedings as to the substance of the matter in the courts of the country of your residence or, where these Terms are entered into in the course of your trade or profession, the country of the place of business in which you agreed to these Terms or (if different) the country of your principal place of business.

7. General 

You may not license or transfer any of your rights under these Terms. We may transfer any of our rights or obligations under these Terms to any company within Shuem International group of companies but if we do so we will ensure that any company to whom we transfer our rights or obligations will continue to honor your rights under them.


If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or body having competent jurisdiction or by virtue of any legislation, it will be invalid or unenforceable to that extent only and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms, which will remain in full force and effect.


Failure or delay by either party to exercise any right or remedy under these Terms does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy or any subsequent rights or remedies. Nor will any single or partial exercise or waiver of any right or remedy provided under these Terms or by law prejudice its further exercise or the exercise of any other right or remedy.


Headings in these Terms are for convenience only and will have no legal meaning or effect.


Website is best viewed with one of our supported browsers. Any payment information you send to us over the internet is encrypted using 128 bit secure socket layer technology. Ssl is currently the preferred method to securely transfer credit card data over the internet.

8. Corporate information

Shuem Inc.

No. 209953

103 Sham Pen Tong Plaza, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

9. Changes to terms and conditions

These Terms were published in September 2019 and replace with immediate effect any previous Terms

Contact us